Is This Something You Want?

In my conversations with IT contractors over the years it appears there are mixed feelings about the word "care".... some love it as it takes the worry out of having to do it all.

A few contractors may say that they feel a slight overwhelm but most find that they just do not have the time to cover everything in their ten hour working day. They find they are so pushed to protect and secure their income.. to keep up with certifications, skills, and current trends that they do not have any time left stacked on top of that to worry about things like marketing themselves. They readily admit that not only is it not their forte but its not where their passion lies, and so are more than happy to have someone who can deliver the right level of care share their marketing burden.

Then there are others who feel not taking care of everything in their business is akin to showing some kind of weakness (not to others but to themselves). They say thats why they went contracting in the first place, to take charge, to break free, to escape, to get out from under the protection of the corporate umbrella.. and decided they could take on all the additional work load of running their business, including marketing themselves effectively, if that's what it took... Interestingly but not unexpectedly their version of an ideal agent was simply one that gets them a good job, a good rate and for the rest stays right out of their hair.

So it comes down to personal preference. I have my own idea on what works best and what is most effective but thats not the point... Bottom line is how is it working for you? Are you getting the work? Are you accessing the right projects that are "progressive", are "latest trend", "state-of-that-art", "keeping you current"? Are you selling yourself effectively and enjoying your time off between contracts? OR are you at risk? In danger of being caught in some small, dark, obscure backwater technology using a methodology and techniques that died somewhere in yesteryear while you find yourself sitting next to the phone for longer and longer periods as you watch your savings being eaten... that may now not be sufficient to last the current dry spell and cover the recent increase in home loan rate? Doesn't matter how.. just as long as it works... thats the bottom line.. is that right?

So how important is "contractor care" and what does it mean to you?


I like Fiona Harolds metaphor of 'packing a parachute' to face your fear and do it anyway

So how would this translate to you as an IT Professional thinking about LEAVING the safe, supportive, familiar surrounds of a career in large corporate for the less familiar more unstable uncertain career as an IT Contractor?

What is your 'precipice'?
What is the dark gaping hole you see looking out.. that you feel you will have you into freefall the moment you step off? What jagged rocks do you see down below? (or is it too dark? too far down to make anything out clearly enough?)

What is the parachute you have on your back?
It is easy for us to say... recognise that you always have a parachute on your back... but as you would point out its NOT us who are jumping. Still would it make sense to haul yourself back from the trance and entertain at least the possibility of there being a parachute on your back.

So why not check this parachute a little more closely?
If you are having difficulty with this perhaps engage a coach who specialises in IT Contracting.

However.. we all know we can gaze down... check.. pack.. repack.. until the cows come come home.. There WILL come a point where the ONLY thing left to do is to... jump.

This is perhaps the hardest thing about jumping... that keeps most in careers that are no longer delivering to their expectation... but keeps them trapped.. because lack of trust stops them in their tracks

Packing YOUR Parachute

What would YOU consider MOST important packing your parachute?

When confronting your precipice?

To what extent would the following be important?
  • your true values and how they will be better respresented by jumping or by staying put?
  • insight gained looking down into the dark and yawning hole this had created for him
  • having to face the fear of being without a job, without income, on his own.
  • having to face true needs: that going contracting would be selling your soul for just money and be like freefalling with heavy rocks in your pockets into the chasm?

When checking your parachute?

To what extent would the following be important?
  • getting very practical about your income needs,
  • getting very practical about how to generate that income, and
  • make sure you take steps each day to make that real.

When Jump?

To what extent would the following be important?
  • having jumped to make the commitment and follow through.
  • to trust you packed your chute in spite of your still feeling horrified, scared, totally
  • aware there were no guarantees

Is it worth doing a test jump?

To what extent is doing a TRIAL jump important?

  • Did his parachute open right away? No it didn’t.
  • Did he feel scared? Yes he did.
  • Did he hit a few hard edges on the cliff and get bruised as he went down? Again yes.

But then his parachute opened, and the freefall turned into flight. And it felt good!

He began skydiving...

Making adjustments to his course as he needs to,
handling the air currents, aiming at the drop zone, and
appreciating the view as he goes
relishing the freedom of piloting his future.

Is it WORTH doing a TEST JUMP?

Is it worth doing a test jump?

To what extent is doing a TRIAL jump important?
- to find out what would you do if your parachute did not open right away?
- how scared you would feel?
- to find out what you would do if you hit a few hard edges on the cliff and get bruised as you went down?
- how focused and composed could you remain?
- to find out if you did survive.. if your trust in your parachute WAS well founded... and it did open.. and your freefall did turn into flight...
- HOW GOOD would you FEEL?
- to find out once you felt how good it felt what adjustments to your course you would begin to focus on as you needed to, handling the air currents, aiming at the drop zone, and appreciating the view as you go – relishing the freedom of piloting your future.


In packing your parachute

would you RENT or CREATE